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The Enemy of My Enemy Page 5

  The gentle voice said, “These questions are not asked to annoy you, nor to make you engage in introspection which might conceivably be painful. In order for the Craftsmen to prepare you for your chosen goal they must know what, in general terms, you think about it.”

  “And who are the Craftsmen?”

  “Those who are to prepare you for your chosen goal. The demand is there, and it is we who meet it. It is our profession.”

  “And Lady Mani’s — ?”

  “No … The voice was gentle as ever, not condemning her, not reproaching him. It might have belonged to one of those men the storytellers told about, men who were not men but man-like machines, “in the days of old, and in former years;” “ … not Lady Mani’s. She is merely aware of it, and receives her fee.”

  Well enough. This was Pemath. Nothing was ever done for nothing in Pemath. Although it was so pleasant lying here and doing nothing but watching the kaleidoscopic colors in the turning globe and dreaming wishful dreams. He rolled off the contoured couch and got to his feet. “I can’t stay here forever, you know,” he said.

  “No. Of course not. We must begin.”

  Nothing in the voice altered. It gave nothing away. But Jerred Northi felt a sudden certainty that if he had not done exactly what he had just done and done it just exactly then, that he very well might have stayed there forever. Or, at least, that he would never have gone anywhere else.

  • • •

  “That’s me for sure,” he said.

  Some of the mirrors were actually mirrors and some were 3D cameras and screen. Wherever he looked he saw himself, naked and alone. Life-sized, front and back and sidewise. Twice life-size, half life-size, all to scale, looking down views and angled views at level. A man in his late twenties, presumably, and in good health. Too dark of hair and skin to be Pemathi; too tall, as well. Tending to stoop, perhaps from an unwitting attempt to diminish his height to the average, perhaps influenced by the tendency of so many Pemathi to stoop even when not bowed by present and physical burdens; but not tending to stoop very much. Hazel eyes, mouth sullen more often than not, hairy in the usual places but not shaggy. In no way an outstanding body, but one familiar to him, one which had served him well enough.

  And, “That’s me for sure,” a voice said, voice recognized after a moment as his own voice. Voice was well enough, too. Northi didn’t know what others might make of it, but in it he recognized traces of all the nations and at least some of the other worlds who (for one) spoke InterGal and (for another) contributed to the population of the Two Ports; plus the subtle but unmistakable — at any rate, to him — influences of both Pemathi and the chopchop dialect which served as lingua franca. “That’s me for sure” — loudly. “ — me for sure” — softly.

  Yes. Him for sure. And, unless he gave the word, him never again more. Forever after his eyes would see someone else, his ears hear someone else, “Jerred Northi,” in this physical identity, would have ceased to exist, and a stranger would take his place — a stranger to whom the man inside would have to become accustomed. Did he like the image of “Jerred Northi” enough to cling to it? He could, if he wanted to. He could then return to Lady Mani and be provided with papers and passage to Tannil or Mallasa or Ludens, Ran or Gor or Thonish, or any city or colony of Lermencas, Baho, or where he pleased. Anywhere at all. Only not Tarnis. Tarnis had never seen the body or heard the voice of “Jerred Northi” but was yet intent that it would never see or hear it. Tarnis he never knew. Did he want to know it enough to do this? To sentence “Jerred Northi” to death?

  Vaguely, he wondered where the name had come from, who gave it to him and why? Someone with a sense of humor, evidently, for it was a Thonish name, and if one thing was certain from his physical appearance it was that he was not of Thonish stock. He had no sentimental attachment to the name, certainly, and as for the personality and appearance which went with it — He shrugged. He watched the shrug repeated in a variety of positions and sizes.

  “I can do without Jerred Northi,” he said. “Let’s get on with it.” The reflections, the images faded away. He made no particular effort to commit them to memory. There were a few pleasant memories. He supposed that he would remember them.

  “Presumably,” the Craftsman (He never learned any of their names, it being obvious that he was not intended to.) said, “the Tarnisi descend from a single small group of phenotypical progenitors. We know of no other people presenting so physically homogenous an appearance, or one — I’m speaking, naturally, of Orinel — whose appearance is so distinct from all other peoples. And inasmuch as everyone else seems always to have accepted them as a comely physical type, it’s small wonder that they themselves are inclined to be exceedingly narcissistic. They speak about the Seven Signs. It’s a dreadful, definitive reproach, no longer being confined to bodily appearance, for them to say of one of their number who has acted outrageously, He lacks the Seven Signs. In fact, even though the modern Tarnisi has studied anatomy and physiology and in theory knows better full well, his entire traditional training inclines him to regard the Seven Signs not merely as Tarnisi but as human characteristics. The inference is, of course, that the rest of us are really not quite human.”

  The Craftsman smiled. “As we see them seldom, and do not depend on them in any immediate way, we may find this amusing. It is understandable that isolation for so long a period, based upon the remoteness of their large island not only from other continents but even from other islands, should have increased (if indeed it did not produce) this tendency on their part. Isolation, plus the fact of their being so different in appearance from the aborigines of Tarnis … the Volanth. The Volanth were greatly inferior in culture and very different in appearance; furthermore, they were enemies. You see the logical equation. Different=Inferior = Dangerous.”

  His voice took on the smooth, confident, very slightly bored tone of the long-accustomed lecturer. “Fortunately, the introduction of Tarnis into the comity of nations occurred without violence or intrigue. Having no historical relation of enmity to the rest of us, they do not hate us. They do not even, as a general rule, despise us. But they cannot take us altogether seriously. After all, we don’t know their language. We can’t practice their arts. We engage in coarse activities like commerce — ”

  The man sitting in the hospital gown in front of him stirred, slightly.

  “But, most important, most significant: We lack the Seven Signs.

  “Do you see? Naturally, such creatures cannot be allowed unrestricted entrance into or access to one’s country. And even the right to restricted residence has to be rigidly controlled. The only exceptions have been visitors on official missions, brief and ceremonial … visitors on commercial missions, suffered a short while in silence … and Pemathi. The Pemathi are there on sojourners’ tickets — contracts, actually — for a term of years to perform certain specific tasks which the Tarnisi want done, but not enough to do them themselves. Most of the Pemathi, almost all the Pemathi there, are men. There are an allotted number of women, of course, because the Tarnisi realize that men need women and it would never do for the Pemathi to turn their attentions to Tarnisi women! But no sojourner ever stays to grow old there, none ever retire there, and if by chance or mischance one of their women should conceive, she goes elsewhere — any elsewhere — to have her child, and if she returns, she returns alone.

  “Now — You have a question. Before stopping to answer it, I think I’d best enumerate the Seven — was that your question? I had an idea it was — the Seven Signs.

  “Green eyes.

  “Long fingers.

  “Long ears, with tips.

  “Smooth and hairless bodies.

  “Full mouths.

  “Slender feet.

  “Melodious voices.”

  The atmosphere was like that of a small but very up-to-date and well-maintained medical centrum. Except that, at the moment, there seemed to be only one patient. “That’s quite a bill to fill,” he observed, quietly
. He had seldom felt so passive, entirely submitting, in his life before. Perhaps never. He was no longer, at this moment, physically naked … but the tests and examinations he had been undergoing all day, and all day the day before, left him still feeling — he reached about for the thought — internally naked. As though everything about every cell of his body was now known and revealed, exposed.

  The Craftsman at the desk said, “You have no idea, I think, just how large the bill is. But it may not involve endowing you with each and every one of the Seven Signs. As a matter of fact, not all of the Tarnisi by any means have all seven. It’s the ideal of them which matters. As for you, we will see … . Which one of them, do you suppose, is the most difficult to achieve?”

  The patient considered. “Oh … the green eyes, I suppose.”

  A brief smile rested on the Craftsman’s thin, precise lips. “No. That will be the easiest. Fingers and feet pose the biggest problem, because there we are dealing with bone structure. Fortunately, you already have long fingers and slender feet. You were certainly aware that all of this has to be paid for,” the Craftsman, changing the subject in so smooth and easy a voice that the transition seemed natural; “and that brings us to the matter of the price, which is 100,000 units.”

  “Yes, I … Oh. I haven’t got that much. I never had.”

  “True. You have 35,000 in the National Fiscal, and three accounts under other names in other places which total 27,000 units. Your, ah, professional equipment we will not consider. Part of it belongs to your backers, and it will cause the least disturbance if we allow your crewmen to assume your equity for the present. There remains, then, personal property to the amount of 17,000 units; and all this comes to 69,000 units, or 31,000 less than is required. The Craftsmen will extend credit for the remainder. There is little doubt, we consider, that you will be paying it off before you leave Tarnis. We know what you have, what you have done, what you can do. It requires only a simple extension of logic to calculate, minimally, what you will do.” He let out a satisfied breath. “And, if, after you leave Tarnis, you wish to assume another and different identity and form … the Craftsmen will make that possible for you, too.” He looked very, very satisfied as he said this.

  In the patient’s mind, and, it seemed to him, in the very contours of the Craftsman’s face and in the very molecules of the ambient air, the words took form: And that will cost you more … much, much more.


  Hob Sarlamat brought his hand up and out in the approved slow manner which avoided alike ungraceful abruptness and the possibility that his sleeve would ride up his arm and ruffle his cuff. “I have never seen the Tree of Consultation in finer bloom,” he said.

  “I suppose it’s not more than three hundred years old,” Atoral Tarolioth said, dryly. She made her mouth smaller, and glanced away when he looked at her.

  “Really, Atoral, I am not that old,” he protested.

  “No, I believe that Tree is, let me see — it was planted by Tulan Soloniant in his third year as Guardian,” the man on Atoral’s other side said, considering. “Year ten, Cycle 80 — ”

  Her full red mouth moved in silent amusement, then grew serious. “You know more than those of us who grew up being bored to the point of death,” she said, “by tutors who crammed us full of facts.”

  He said, “My father often spoke of Tree and of everything connected with it.”

  “I can understand how the smallest detail can grow dear in exile … . Exile … . It will never happen to me, I must hope. Sometime, we must talk about — no. Forgive me. We will never talk about it. Let that die away from your memory, Tonorosant.” She placed the tips of her fingers lightly on his wrist and looked up at him as though emphasizing that hers was no mere figure of speech, that she was in full fact asking a favor of him. There was something in this newly returned son of the exiles which was, well, new: and almost for that reason alone: interesting. A bit exciting. It was only by contrast with the occasional tartness of the exile’s manner that the never-left-home people seemed, at least to her, Atoral, over-smooth and over-sweet. He returned her look. After a slow second they turned again to the great Tree, the convolutions of its great bole velveted with moss, its patterned leaves dipping up the sunlight, the great flowers of an intense crimson and an almost waxy texture. Sapient Laforosan had told them something of this species of tree before they had set out early in the morning to visit the most famous specimen. Even in its (within historical times) sole remaining habitat, high up in the hills and deep within the valleys of southern Tarnis — still largely Volanth country — the tree was rare. Looking at this one now, it seemed small wonder that even the brute Volanth held it in awe and conducted certain of their perhaps better left undetailed ceremonies beneath. This one in particular was planted by the famous hero Tulan Soloniant to commemorate his first victory over the Volanth, and the Synod of Guardians had met for many years under its then youthful shade.

  At length Sarlamat smiled. “Enough. Or else we shall all begin painting leaves, and the air this morning is too crisp and delightful for such sedate pursuits. What shall we do now?”

  “Swim,” said Atoral.

  They wandered down to the pavilion by the lovely little lake, paused to savor the scent of the frothy purple flowers in the reedbeds, tossed bits of food to the red-billed, black-winged lake birds. “Don’t delay,” she said, as they parted. Her words and smile were directed at both of them, but as Sarlamat turned away, once again she rested, lightly, so lightly, the tips of her long fingers on Tonorosant’s wrist. Then she turned away, her brocaded skirt swirling.

  The pavilion was dim and cool and smelling of wood and sap. Over the low partitions dividing the dressing-cubicles, Sarlamat turned his rather prominent green eyes to his friend. “She is rather nice, I must hope,” he said.

  Tonorosant didn’t answer the question.

  “You’re all right, I must — ”

  “Oh, yes, don’t worry. My health, in mind and form, is excellent and will continue to be so, I must hope. I was preoccupied … By something for which I don’t have a name. It’s not confusion. ‘Superimposition?’ That’s the closest … . I do remember my father telling me about Tree. I do know that I don’t remember any father and that if I did he’d never have heard of Tree. I know that it’s perfectly proper to swim without clothes but that to be seen taking off clothes is embarrassing. And I know, also, that whether you are nude or clothed is merely a matter of having or not having money to buy clothes. I am aware that I spent the last two years as an underpaid free-lance teacher of Tarnisi in Ludens. And I am also aware that two years ago I never could speak a word of Tarnisi, that I have never been in Ludens, that I’ve spent that period of time cutting tows in the Inner Sea of Pemath.

  “I can, very clearly, see the events in the life of Tonorosant. I know that I’m he. And yet, just as clearly, I can see and know that I’m Jerred Northi. And the two things are equally true and valid. Should I be afraid? Is there any chance that a time might come when one of these truths will fade away? Or vanish abruptly? And which one?”

  Sarlamat shook his head. “No danger at all. No danger of either.” He slid open the hatch, gestured Tonorosant to do the same. They went down the corridor, reed mats soft beneath their feet. “The hypno-indoctrination has never slipped yet. Should you even want to be entirely rid of either identity, why, that can be arranged. You were told it could. For the present, though, since you don’t yet know just what you may want in the future, it’s best to keep both. Do you think that I don’t know just exactly how you feel? After all, I wasn’t always Hob Sarlamat, anymore than you were always Tonorosant. But I’ve been Sarlamat for a good while, now. I was one of the first. Never had any trouble. Nor will you … and I needn’t even add, ‘I must hope.’ Just remember, in case any blank spots appear, that no one will expect you to know everything. Your birth and bringing-up abroad will account for that. And also,” he smiled, “I’m here, too. By and by you won’t need me. Until
then … .”

  They came out into the sunlight and went down the walk to the water. Atoral was waiting on the brim, her dark hair wound snug under the transparcap, her hands upon her golden hips. She smiled as they approached.

  “Until then, it’s best and easy, I must hope, for all to remain as it now does.”

  Tonorosant, who had been and in some way still was Jerred Northi, dashed forward, seized the girl in his arms and, he shouting, she screaming, fell sideways into the water.

  She barely bothered to pretend offense. “This is not the way things are done abroad, I must hope,” she said. “Did you treat the foreign girls this way?”

  “Why should one bother treating them at all? They lack the Seven Signs.”

  They trod water. “And what do I lack?” she asked. She turned on her side and swam away. After a moment he caught up with her, and they made their way slowly and now sedately, side by side. With each stroke her breast lifted from the water for a flashing second, then was gone again.

  “Why do you say that? I would say that you lack nothing — least of all, patience to endure my attentions.”

  This seemed to please her, he could see, but turning on her back and floating so, she asked, “Then why do you never see me alone? and always with Hob Sarlamat?”

  He floated alongside her and he touched her. She moved closer. Surely, he thought to himself, a bit amused, a bit puzzled, but most of all, pleased; surely, she does not expect me to make love to her right here in the water, like the lake birds? He observed Sarlamat a good ways off and heading down towards the other end of the lake, doing a slow and classical stroke with many bobbings up and down. “He’s not with me now — ”

  With pretended sulkiness, she said, “Why do you not go after him? I have heard of such things … abroad … .”

  He touched her again, she gave a little scream, leaped around and struck him in the face with her flat hand, then darted away. For a moment he floundered, abashed, aghast. Then he swam after her. She was quick, though. She was very quick; he never did catch up with her in the water.